pulling the trigger
Relief at first that he had sense not to assault her further; a base relief that lived right down within her and had nothing to do with conscious thoughts. Then the blazing anger at him was back, that Endymion's presence should have been necessary. It was his fault, but maybe hers too, a little. Feeling foolish she remained still, doing her best not to whine out loud. There was love in her family and protectiveness, and she had been warned about strangers. The confidence of having friends had made her careless. She was too ashamed and mixed-up to speak, but stayed half-lowered to the ground, heart still thumping quicker than usual. There was a trickle of blood on her leg she hadn't noticed, and she wiped at it with her muzzle furtively. At least the crazy puppy was looking at Endymion, not her.

Andre's repetitive retaliation she thought dumb, and wrinkled her nose. What was the point of saying 'wolf' like it was something dirty? You couldn't hate all wolves by default - you could never meet all the wolves in the world, there were hundreds, or thereabouts. It was silly. And he was as irritating as his words. She would never come to terms with such an attitude. In the future, perhaps she'd hear about the further exploits of this particular beast, and maybe she'd recognise him from the stories. Maybe she'd be closer to them than she'd like. For now, there was the fact that her blood was possibly some of the first of his kind that he'd spilled. For all she knew he fought wolves every day - although he was too young to kill adults, and most pups were watched over like she was, no tale of terror would surprise her regarding such a cold-hearted animal.

Legacy's own fiery heart urged her to leap at him again, teach him that it actually wasn't safe to attack vulnerable strangers - she could see that as it was, he'd be happy to do so again - but there could be no profit from such an action but her own failure. The small red-gold girl watched him sullenly, noting how the peaceful beach and sea framed his arrogant figure, too calm and eternal to be appropriate. A scene that she might remember, in times to come.

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