one tin soldier rides away
mall-caps;">Table by Hilli

<3 Isn't that good considering I am distracted. D:

It seemed Inferni once again was being overrun by puppies. Half of Kaena's litter, Asphyxia's entire litter of three and Empusa. Now, she was going to be giving birth to another litter. She was glad her mother would be around to help her out when she needed it. Faol was kind of unsure whether she could do it on her own or not. It was winter, what would happen if food supplies ran low? Could the puppies inside her die? Taking in a deep breath she pushed the door to the Inferni house open with her muzzle and slipped outside, closing the door with her paw.

The air was cool and with it brought a new scent from the border. This scent smelled of Segodi. It was faint though, could it be possible he was back here again? Did he regain his memory and return to Inferni and rejoin the ranks. The thoughts in her head drove her forth, she bounded through the snow her heart pounded in her chest, blood pulsing in her ears. She sniffed it out, but the figure she came upon was not the form of Segodi. Disappointed, she pouted and walked towards the border. The coyote was small, but Segodi's scent clung to it. Who was it?

"Hello? Can I help you?" she asked in her usual kind tone. Faolin was a little on edge out of fear for her first litter. With a weary glance she looked the stranger over. He was young, only a pup. Half a year maybe? Shrugging any negative thoughts from her mind she shook her head and greeted him with a friendly smile. He looked sort of distraught, were those the words? He was far from home, that's all she knew. Had Segodi found another mate and with her had children? "Sorry to be nosy, but you are looking for Segodi aren't you? Or, wait. He goes by Abel now I believe," confusion swept over her. Segodi had given his name as Abel and completely denied having anything to do with her or Inferni. So, which alias did this kid know him as?


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