Never Know How To Play It Safe
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"She eated one of them." She hadn't wanted it to come out, but the truth was hard to keep in sometimes. She had wanted to tell somebody about it...and she'd probably never see this wolf again after today. Adelaida didn't like coyotes, and Siobhan didn't wander outside of Inferni too much. Maybe sometime in the future she would...but by that time this wolf would have forgotten her. Hopefully.

In either case, it didn't feel like it mattered as much to tell Adelaida. She wanted to know. "We was real skinny. Zeke said that I was too skinny when he first see'd me, that it was bad that I was so skinny. I did meet my sister and my brother, but after mom eated one, the sister, Dad tooked the boy away." Raoul. Raoul. Raoul. She had repeated his name in her head so many times that it was easy to recall it. "He was Raoul. But the girl was dead. She had no life left inside. When Mom told me to runs...I runsed really fast away." She didn't want to eat any of her babies. Siobhan didn't know if that kind of behavior was normal or not--but it was what she had grown up with. She didn't know anything else. The only thing that she did know was that it had made her feel sick to watch it.


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