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omg, I love it!

She didn’t understand how she affected him. Not truly knowing that she was why he acted the way he did. It was obvious that he liked to be with her, and that he thought she was something she never knew she could be. Still Mati didn’t full comprehend how their relationship was developing.

What she did know was that she liked him, enjoyed how well he treated her and that for once she was something more then just one of four pups. She was someone’s something. And that something just happened to be a princess.

Eyes watched him, wondering why he was so suddenly becoming bashful. She kissed him still, noticing that the more attention she lavished on him the more coy he acted. With all the courage he had shown, and the magnificent fort he had built, and all for her. He should show pride before anything else.

Their reunion was suddenly interrupted. The sounds brought her eyes to the entrance, where she found the face and voice of her brother. Excitement shone in her eyes, but was smothered as she heard his words. Growing confused, and slightly embarrassed Mati felt her ears turn and lay against her head.

Before she could speak, Simon stood before her. Their confrontation made her uneasy. Feeling like she was to choose between them. She pushed that aside, standing for her knight. We’re playing Haven. They had done nothing wrong, she was sure of it. Simon was fighting a monsters. Peering over the sandy tones boy’s back she gave him a small smile. Likes you doos


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