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It had been the unmistakeable voice of a youth that pulled her back out of those mixed thoughts. The way his words bit the chill in the air did not surprised Corona when she first looked at him—he was most definitely a coyote from Inferni. The rich grey and red dashed fur only caught her interest; she held firm suspicion as to who he really was by behaviour alone, but the appearance only helped to sway his heritage. He smelled like her, even. The dislike, on the other hand, was somewhat mutual. “You don't even know me, brat,” she said right back to him, eyes then moving to a figure who loomed out of the fog.

The second fellow was definitely a wolf. His obscure markings caught her eye first though, while she had seen them before, his were very ornate and unique, leaving her to think if they really had any meaning at all. He was a tall figure that was weathered enough to look like a traveller, but he was a much finer, darker gold than Corona was. She had turned out more like Ahren in more than one way, despite their different personalities.

The traveller's question, on the other hand, garnered her attention away from he and the child and to the cold face of the structure behind her. “No idea. I've never been here before. At least, I've never noticed this drawbridge here before.” This had just been the first thing that seemed like a quiet, logical place to rest and think. Rising up to her feet and standing quite shorter than the wolf, Corona redirected her attention to the assumed Lykoi. “You should go home before someone worries about you. You're too little to be out here,” even though she knew she had done the same things. Better yet, she didn't even expect him to listen, especially to her.

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