
Cercelee smiled at the male as he gave in, shuffling through the maps. Navy eyes watched, not knowing how he knew which map he was searching for or how he would know the map when he found it but trusting that indeed he knew what he was doing. His words as he searched caused a larger grin to spread upon her maw. “Cwmfen?” She was the only wolf who had a bird that Cercelee knew of in the pack, though Windseeker had one she was long gone now. Cercelee peered at the male, her tail thumped twice against the ground as he unrolled the paper.

“Dahlia de Mai.” She offered, though like her own name she found it pleasant to hear the familiar words spoke by a foreign tongue. Moving closer to the scroll, Cercelee glanced once more at Nikolai to see if she could read his expression but found that the map made more sense than the male’s face. “Yes, this is my pack.” Cercelee was taken in by the images, never having seen the map from such a viewpoint. Never even imagining what it might look like. “Do you have maps of the other packs?”


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