missed that exit sixty miles ago.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Wheeee Big Grin

What in the name of the gods was she doing all the way out here? Well, she knew why. She had been tracking an incredibly large hare. Probably the biggest she had ever seen. For as big as he was though, he was very fast. Much faster than she had anticipated so she had spent the majority of the day so far going after him. Her stubborn determination had lead her all the way up the coast near the mountain range. Snow was falling and collecting on her midnight coat. Her tri-colored scarf flapping the wind. She had needed Kansas to wrap it around her neck since she was in her lupus form today. Boy, he was sure going to be pleased when he found out she had spent the whole day chasing a rabbit. At least it was better than the last thing she had done to worry him. Immediately after thinking that she felt sick. That wasn't very funny.

The wolfess sighed as she was sure that she had finally lost track of the hare. But right before she turned to head home she caught it in her sights again. It was headed up the slope of the mountain. "Ah, ha!" She grinned devilishly as she took off at a dead run. Trees flew past her peripheries as she zoomed after the large rodent. Closer and closer and closer and...NOW! The lithe luperci jumped and snatched the hare between her deadly jaws, clamping down. He had been a worthy adversary so she snapped his neck quickly. Between the trophy in her mouth, she had a smug air of satisfaction on her face.

A small whimper cut the winter air not too far ahead of her. Ears perked up she walked to investigate. Her nose was so clouded by rabbit and blood that she nearly tripped over the female that had curled up in the snow drift. Savina dropped her prize so that she could talk. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" her accented voice apologized. Now that she was able to fully take in the sight before her it was a little odd. A fully grown wolf snuggled up with a raccoon. She could honestly say that she had never seen that before. "Are you alright? The snow's not so bad down the mountain."


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