missed that exit sixty miles ago.

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

She was about to take a nap and she could already feel the effects of sleep pulling on her eyelids and beckoning them to close. Her journey had taken her quite far and she found she was always more tired than she'd originally thought. Before she could get too far, Charger started chattering his teeth at her and she shifted around, poking her small head up above the surface. Squinting, she spotted a dark coated female clambering after a rabbit. Her heart leapt in her chest as she watched the other girl complete her task--ah, so there was food somewhere around here anyway! This was reassuring. Staying low, she knew better than to disturb another wolf with a catch. She had every intent of keeping to herself, but to her surprise, the dark lady approached her.
Maserati peered at her quizzically--if the sight of a wolf with a raccoon companion was strange to Savina, the scarf flapping around on the she-wolf's neck was just as strange to Maserati. For some reason, it seemed so... out of context. Were the Lieutenant General shifted it may not have stricken her so queerly. Hardly one to judge others for how they chose to decorate themselves (lest she be a hypocrite), her eyes then dropped to the rabbit and her stomach growled loudly again. Certainly raised to have manners, she did her best to ignore it and listened carefully as the accented female addressed her. The accent alone was enough to make her beam brightly as she replied with her own lightly accented voice: 's not a worry, she assured her.
'n hearin' about the weather is quoite a relief! Standing up slowly, she backed away slightly as she shook off her coat. Even if she'd only been lounging about for fifteen minutes, she had still been quite covered in snow. Now white flecks peppered the dark background of her body, but she still appeared much more herself--dyed fur and all. I'm Maserati, she offered with a little bow. Her surname was omitted for the time--she still wasn't sure which she was even supposed to go by any more. That of the male who raised her or that of the male who'd given her life? 'n this here is Charger, she added, gesturing toward the raccoon. I'm, eh... not familiar with the area, she admitted somewhat sheepishly. How bizarre. She'd known her way around home like the back of her paw... here, though, she was barely a step above a lost stranger.

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