Footpints left behind

Her words made Svara's fur rise in anger. This female didn't know who she was, she just didn't like how Svara talked to her. It made the young she wolf grind her teeth in frustration. "Why Should you!? Maybe because I'm training to heal your people! Maybe because unlike anyone else in this damned pack I'm will to show all you fools what you refuse to aknowledge! And Maybe because I would die to protect anyone in this pack because it is my home! That is why you white cotton ball and don't forget it!"

Svaras' words got increasingly heated and shouted. She didn't want to have to say any of those things again. Didn't want to have to take such a chunk of her ego and step all over it to stay in her own home. Her yellow eyes were narrowed and blood shot with her tears. "I give respect to those who have given some to me! Just because you are the leader of this pack doesn't mean I automatically respect you! I don't know you, and you don't know me or who I was!"

Svara was shaking with the force of her anger, but she didn't know why she was angry. Why was she so angry that no one in this pack knew where she had come from? Was it because no one gave a crap? Then again she didn't care about their pasts. Did she? A snort rose from her. "That is what I have to offer." She said forcfully.


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