locked inside reality's maze

Out of Character

*dances around randomly* I hope I remember the pack Cer was staying in correctly. XD

Word Count: 325

In Character

It wasn't until Cercelee spoke that Kol even realized she was there. There was no breeze in the stillness of the snowfall to bring the Rosea's scent to Kol's nose, and her eyes had been staring at a bleak canvas of white for so long that her alpha's ivory coat made her invisible to the Bluet's eyes. As she blinked down at the woman, three dark dots finally materialized in front of her. Cercelee's deep blue eyes and black nose where the only things that stood out against the blanket of white. Laughing to herself at the situation, Kol squatted down to be only slightly taller than her friend and leader, dipping her head as much as possible to show her respect for the woman. "You know, it's a good thing you talk. I probably would have stepped on you if you'd just stood there." A genuine smile pulled Kol's lips back, her alabaster grin a sharp contrast to her ebony face.

The black shewolf was delighted to see Cercelee moving about so freely. The last she'd seen of the stubborn woman was at her homecoming from Twilight Vale, her wounds only halfway healed and her movements stiff and forced. Kol's Rosea had come a long way in the several months she'd been gone. "You look wonderful Cercelee! Seems these past few months have been kinder to you than to me!" The girl winked in good humor at her alpha. Where Cer's older wounds had healed, Kol still had quite a few scattered about her black pelt that were still in various stages of recovery. It was a miracle she hadn't broken any bones in the fighting. Injuries like that would've meant at least a few more months before she could have made the trek back home to Dhalia. "It feels really good to be back, Cer. Dahlia will always be home to me, and I've missed it a great deal while I've been gone."

Table by Fishie!


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