there's no inbetween

So he had been both right and wrong- for liquer surely constituted a sort-of drug, although it had been silly of him to jump to such an extreme. The coyote watched her face, noted her crinkling nose, wondered what it tasted like if the smell enough had been that bad. Giggle was a virgin to the pleasures of drink and drug; he had recieved a second-hand high from his mother's joint as a child, but had never sought to experience it for himself. Still, he had promised to try anything, and he would, if only to keep in Talitha's company longer- he admired how easy going she appeared, so sure of herself. He could learn from her.

She handed him the bottle and he gently took it, staring down into the clear liquid for a second. Hesitation shone in his indigo eyes. The smell took him by surprise as he lifted it, and he put it down for a moment more, considering his options. Then, he gathered his courage and poured a swig down his throat. The alcohol burned his throat and mouth. He handed the bottle back to her, coughing, his eyes watering slightly. The taste in his mouth was none-to-pleasant, either. Why did they subject themselves to this? He'd find out, eventually, the hybrid though, crinkling his nose. He thought to say something to the girl. 'Wow.' He murmured, and lifted his gaze to the shepherd colored coyote. 'That's... strong.'


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