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A gang of lost puppies? She didn't find it hard to picture the two boys frolicking along the snow covered borders, going on adventures. She loved the way children could take elements from a story and apply them to their own lives. It seemed as though there was no joy in the world they couldn't find and dig out of even the most surprising of places. Seeing the boys made her hope, made her think on the ways her puppies might have been a lot like them.

She smiled fondly as Salem blinked sleepily. He seemed like such a nice boy, although he spoke so little. She wondered which of his parents he was most like. She didn't know Naniko very well, but she had spoken with Anu. Anu seemed to enjoy companionable silence, although Naniko didn't seem like one to waste words either. With an internal shrug, she guessed she'd find out eventually.

"Have you boys been on any exciting adventures lately?" Geneva asked. She knew Haven was very imaginative, and she suspected that Salem probably had some of that spark in him too. The boys had seemed to love hearing a story. Maybe they some of their own to tell.

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