missed that exit sixty miles ago.
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The thought of actually taking a ride in one of those cars was a little scary, but exciting! She wondered what it would be like. What it would feel like, moving so fast. The wolfess loved running as fast as she could, but this sounded so completely different. From what Maserati had told her, it was like you sat in this thing and it did all the work for you. So you were more or less just rocketed around in this human thing. It was all a very bizarre thought to her, but she would love to try it nonetheless. "Really? That'd be great! There is an old human city not too far from here. You just follow the coast and there it is! I've never noticed any thing that sounds like a car, but I also haven't paid much attention." If she was going to find a car, that would most definitely be the best place to look.

Her tail beat against the snow-covered ground happily at the prospect of a race. "Yes, these are not at all the best racing conditions," she said, laughing lightly. The Mediterranean femme really liked Maserati. She was a very nice, interesting, intelligent wolf. She really hoped that this would not be their only meeting. That they would be able to race and maybe even drive one of those cars the other knew so much about. They had the potential of becoming very good friends. At least she thought so.

She had to admit, she was surprised when the girl actually said Anselm's name. It really hadn't been expected. Sure, she thought that it was a possibility. From what had already been said it sounded like it could have been him, but it could have just as easily been someone else. "Oh, really? I know Anselm! Probably not as well as some, but good enough." The annoyance in Maserati's voice made it apparent that she was none too pleased with whatever the old Inferni leader had done. "Well, I'm sorry that he's meddled things up for you. He's really a good guy at heart though. At least he was to me. He helped me through a rough spot in my life." Attacking Conri seemed like small beans now compared to the Hybrid incident, but his help had been no less welcomed and she was no less thankful for it.


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