missed that exit sixty miles ago.
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Of course, why hadn't she thought of it before? Maybe that's the real reason she had thought it had been Anselm: her eyes. Those same eyes that both Anselm and Ryan had. She had guessed it right away the first time she had met Ryan. But back then she had found those crimson eyes to be so different and unique. They still were, but Savina had become more accustomed to them. They didn't strike her as they once did. Absently her head nodded along with Maserati's words. Well, it seemed that Anselm would have more figuring to do whenever he got home as well. Another relative had popped up in his absence, though it was a granddaughter instead of a daughter.

"Yes...I know Ryan quite well. I met her before she even told Anselm that she was his daughter. She's a wonderful girl. One of the nice ones in Inferni." The truth was that if it weren't for Ryan, she would wash her hands of the clan altogether now that the de le Poer male was gone. While she knew the girl and her child were safe there, she couldn't help but worry about them. Some of the coyotes there were legitimately crazy and probably wouldn't think twice about hurting them. She didn't have the heart to say that to Ryan though. "You'll find another relative you weren't expecting there. Ryan has a child. A daughter, named Valkyrie." Savina figured that Ryan wouldn't mind her giving her unknown half-sister the news a little early.

Clearing her throat, she tried moving the conversation to a little less heavy of a topic. "I don't know if they'll let you stay there or not. Or if you'd even want to. But if you do need a place to stay, you'd be welcome to come to my pack. It's called Crimson Dreams. From the city keep following the coast until you reach a hilly forested area. Then go west and you'll find its borders." She had no idea if Maserati was even planning on staying around that long, but she was more than happy to offer her an open room in the mansion or one of the caves to call her own for a little while. Winter was hard enough in a pack, much less alone.


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