A new home in a strange world

Words: 300+
Hope you don't mind me stealing your thread! Couldn't resist! C:

Several days had passed since that night in the vineyards, and she still felt shaken. Maybe Haku would leave her alone now, as long as she stayed out of his way. Would that be enough? She hadn't seen her dear friend Cercelee since her acceptance into the pack, hadn't told her what had happened when she did see him face-to-face... her father.

Hugging her Optime arms tight to her slim torso, the shy female stepped lightly past the old buildings, eying them warily in case they were inhabited already. She had still not chosen a permanent dwelling, feeling a little safer when she was never in the same place twice. She knew her fearful habits were ruling her, but it wasn't something she could help, especially not after that ambush. There were still bruises on her back from where he'd tackled her to the ground, although to his credit, he had not bitten her once.

Her haunted baby-blue eyes studied the house her footpaws had carried her to, one with a fenced yard. That held promise, she mused, thinking again of the garden she wanted to cultivate. She had a great love for plants, although the blooms she enjoyed had a darker side to them, one that fascinated her. With a start, Coli suddenly realized the house was occupied. She saw movement through the window - like a white ghost. The woman was too old to be Cercelee, and the scent didn't match Auntie Mew. A newcomer...? There were several pairs of pawprints about, including a male's and a puppy's. Coli's gaze lingered on the tiny prints, wondering as always what a real family was like. She hadn't yet met her newborn brothers, although Alexey had promised to sneak her in sometime. Maybe it would be alright for her to meet this little one, unrelated to her in any way?

Deciding this would be a good idea, Coli nervously squared her thin shoulders and approached the porch.


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