Wither Rose

He should have expected her reaction -- she really hadn't changed much at all, even though it seemed like forever already -- but he had been caught off guard too and so his eyes widened as she bolted towards him and the pup had to rear up and take a step or two back so the collision wasn't as head-on. I've missed you too! he exclaimed, I went to visit once, but I couldn't find you! Arkham didn't mention that he actually hadn't looked as hard as he could have and of course, he couldn't mention that he had been half-dreading a reunion because he wasn't sure he wanted to hear how much she liked her new home. Faolin told me you came back for a little bit too, but I guess I missed you there too.

Despite his usually reserved ways, he found his own tail swaying back and forth and he smiled a little, So how've you been? What's it like living with dad? They were questions he had to ask, regardless of what he felt about hearing the answers. Rachias had to know about their father's strange condition, right? Even if she hadn't known before, she had to know by now. Did she know that one of them was dangerous? And what if she didn't? How was he supposed to explain that to her when he didn't really understand it himself? Gabriel and Ahren had both confirmed it and Faolin didn't deny it, but none of the adults could give him a proper reason why. How could he explain a whole bunch of ifs and maybes to his sister?

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