relive the pictures that have come to pass

cakeCoincidence was a made-up word, invented for those who wouldn't take responsibility for their actions. Everything happened for a reason. Bane saw -- no, felt -- something of himself reflected in those pure-white eyes, in her aura, and it was something that intrigued him. He wanted his sanity. Inside his head, he was screaming, desperate for his own attention, the focus that was so wholly set on the dark lady before him, on her face, her body. He heard her words less than he felt the emotion she spoke with. She was curious of him. That much he knew. He grinned then, a rare sight, teeth bright white against his black fur; Bane was a doctor, a professor, a scientist, but he possessed a savage soul, tamed only by his willpower and his thirst for knowledge. There were few things in the world that, at that moment, he wouldn't have given up to know her.

cakeHe touched her. As with his voice, his touch was gentle and calm but belied his nature, the beast within that reared when he was denied the drugs that bound it. His fingers brushed against her cheek, claw just barely scraping against her skin beneath the black fur that mirrored his own. His eyes were on the markings, the blue that marred her fur. Something was eating him alive from the inside out; it was fine, he had been through worse. He spoke. The grin was still there. "Wouldn't know, I've never been lost." In his head it made sense; in his head he wasn't contradicting himself. Bane never had been lost, he had never had to find himself. He had always been there. There were simply parts of himself he so rarely got to explore.

cake"You aren't afraid," he added slowly. This wasn't a challenge, or a threat, simply a statement. Fact. The grin faded. There were no more words in his head that he wanted to let out; he wasn't even looking for any from her. Shifting his weight, he reached forward with his free hand and went to wrap his fingers around her wrist, almost tenderly, like a lover might. He wanted to see how far he could go, how far he would; he wanted to know what she would allow. He would speak in ways that transcended language; yet he had a feeling she would understand.


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