one tin soldier rides away
mall-caps;">Table by Hilli


The hope and happiness that had surged through his veins was strong enough to take over her own emotions and her smile broadened glad the young fellow before her was at ease in her presence. Her blood froze and the thick fog that he had so easily cut through had thickened inside her head, confusion swept over both of them, but she was able to shake it a bit. Well, this gave Faolin some sort of time frame as to when Segodi had lost his memory. Let's say this boy was about six or seven months, she had seen Segodi a little over a month ago. He would have been at least a month old to remember his father so well. So, what was the time span? Four months? She shook her head back and forth, the thick cloud of confusion making her feel a bit uneasy.

"I-I'm sorry. I am just as confused as you are. You see, I am Faolin Mogotsi, Segodi is my dad - well, sort of. He adopted my brother and I. He came around here about a month ago, but I think he lost his memory or something. I don't really know, he called himself Abel," she frowned, sighing and tried to regain her thoughts. It was nice, having even more family. The boy reminded her slightly of Tedros, maybe it was just because of the blood that ran through them both. Segodi's blood. Her tail swept back and forth behind her. "After I talked to him briefly he disappeared again, you are welcome to stay here. My mate is the leader of Inferni I can't see why he would reject you. You look like a fine boy," she smiled warmly. It would be nice to have more of her family come back. With all of the excitement there was a glimmer of hope that existed within her that Nyika or Tedros or anyone for that matter would return too. Asphyxia had, and that was the least expected.

She shivered, and watched the boy with keen interest, studying his moves, relaying his emotions through her head. It was strange, but in a way he greatly reminded her of her father. Inferni was even more interlaced with family bonds. Few were strangers within the pack and with Faolin's and Gabriel's bloodlines sealed by the puppies that she carried within her it would be one great big family. What would make it better would be if Segodi returned, she missed him more than ever. It hurt her to know that he was wandering around and could not remember any of his sons or daughters he had no memories or recollections of the past. She missed him greatly, and now there were two of them hoping and waiting for his return. Only if the pup would accept her offer in staying. "How about it, huh? Stay here for a while at least, get rested up. If Segodi does not show up within a couple weeks you can return to where you came from or if you'd rather, stay here with me?"


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