Pleads and Postcards

no worries @ all!

Eyes looked to the stars. Their small shapes glimmered against the dark curtain that the night sky provided. They were nothing more then small pinholes, with unknowing energy shining through. Or were they? Anu had spent her whole life worshiping the sun, and the life it gave the land she toiled. And still she had ignored the wonder that the night gave. The slivered moon was a cocked smile that shone down at her, it was far from the blazing orb that ruled the day. Blue eyes looked away, there had been enough disloyalty floating in her heart, enough for a whole lifetime.

Thoughts were brought Anu back to the real, the present as noises and smells came to her. The physical signs warned her of another's approach, and it wasn’t long until her saw him. His polite approach kept him in view, though she stood to greet him. Her confidence was wavering, and standing as he greeted her showed that she wasn’t as vulnerable as she felt.

He smelled of Crimson Dreams, though it hadn’t settled into his coat as it did her. A new pack member, she wondered. Her heart rang with a sharp pain. As she knew, the world would go round with her presence or not and she wished she had been there to help greet him and hoped Nani wasn’t left with all of the responsibility. Still he didn’t smell of her mate, but of her other friends, including Geneva.

Hello. Her voice was rough, but only from little use. Clearing her throat brought her voice back to normal. His accent was thick and deep with an origin unknown to the lean fey. It peaked her curiosity. Who are you? Her tone was questioning, but not rude or demanding.


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