like a leaf clings to a tree
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OOC: 400+

Lubomir wasn't entirely sure when the shift in his personality had come. He knew his other self was still there. The fight with Haku had proven that much. He wasn't sure how he'd mastered the control this well, either. While he had been honest to Savina about the amount of work that went into controlling the beast, he himself could not say exactly when this shift had happened. Now he could easily take on the role of Diplomat, or Ambassador, because he could control the beast inside. He wasn't ready to tell Cercelee that, though. He hadn't entirely expected her to resign, but if Firefly was to be believed, Cercelee was the original founder of the pack, so her role as Historian would be prized indeed. "I intend to pick no fights with them so long as they stay away from us. I lost a good friend so needless violence and I watched him take his last breaths. An Inferni coyote was there too, though not to gloat, as I'd expected. Indeed, she wept the hardest at his passing." Though he had meant to find her again, Lubomir had been too caught up in his own grief to even try. So instead he'd chosen to ignore that part of the incident. "I never wish to shame Dahlia or bring it on the brink of another war. You will have no problems from me, Cercelee."

With the official business finally out of the way, and his rank secured, Lubomir found that the subject of Mew was a lot harder to tackle. He wasn't sure if direct permission was actually needed or not. After all, she was higher ranking than him so presumably he would be fine. However, it would not hurt him to try. "I simply wanted to make it known officially that we are mates." He lowered his head slightly, almost embarrassed. "I do not know if we needed any permission from the leaders and I hope I have not broken a rule here. I have loved her a long time now, though I was never ready to care for her the way she deserves caring. I am ready now. I believe we will live in her den, though I would like to attempt to refurbish the Wolfville library. I fancy myself somewhat of a scholar, and once the histories of Dahlia are complete, they can be stored there." The library idea had not really entered his head for very long, but it seemed like a good one. He could only hope that she would see it the same way.


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