vicious cycle
[html] no-repeat scroll center bottom; width: 325px; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.2em; color: rgb(124, 25, 20); text-align: justify;">Yawrah River Territory, backdated to December 11.
He crouched low to the ground, russet fur only partially hidden by the bramble. Locked ahead, his steel-blue eyes were focused, sharp, and his mind was completely aware of the animal in front of him. Tristan was completely still, body tense, breath hot and heavy. In a sudden rush, he saw time slow down, saw the animal in front of him, and had tunnel vision. The spring in his spine let go and he was moving, he was there, and he snapped out, grabbed the rabbit by the back of the throat. It choked on its dying scream as he snapped the neck, flipped it between his paws, and began to eat.

Though he had been in Jaded Shadows for over a week, he still ate and acted (when outside of Jaded Shadows) as if he was a lone wolf. This was prominently displayed in his eating habits, and the fact he was very food aggressive. Still, the rabbit was not large enough to constitute a proper meal and was finished shortly. Tristan cleaned his muzzle in the snow, licked it clean, and then set off towards the river, interested in exploring.


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