I recall the push more than the fall
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
No worries! Big Grin

She felt that he was being far too modest, but she wouldn't fault him for that. She was the same way. The fey did whatever she could to help others and while she appreciated the thanks, she didn't expect it or find it necessary. Knowing that she had don't something to help another was enough of a reward for her. "You may be right, but without you I couldn't have done it. Without your help I wouldn't have had any idea how to stop it. I would have just kept going on, terrified of the next time something made me angry. I'll still be wary of that, but I won't be as afraid anymore." The words that he spoke in the foreign tongue didn't make any sense to her, but then again the Italian she had used probably hadn't made any sense to him either. At his idea for "payment", she smiled broadly back at him. "I would love to. What was that language you just spoke?" It was nothing like the romance language she was born into.

While his continued company was something she would enjoy, she didn't want to risk her mate seeing them alone together. Usually she wouldn't worry about such things. Kansas knew that he could trust her not to be unfaithful to him. But ever since breaking her promise to him, they were having a rough time and she didn't want to risk adding to that. "I believe I'll be alright to make it there on my own. I just need to rest for a few more moments. Thank you for the offer, though" If circumstances had been different she would have probably taken him up on it. Now just wasn't the best time.


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