Everything about you resonates happiness
http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/3402 ... 985rw1.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Don’t worry about it! OoO I understand, ^=^

Nothing. The female’s eyes watched the ground as a small smirk tickled her maw. So simple. And was it not? This matter did not have to be complicated—he was right, she realized. Neither of them regretted what they had done. They had merely shared something one night, and that was all. It was not nearly as bad as it could have been. Then why did she feel so discontent? She did not know what she had expected; it was not even that this was not it. Perhaps it was something else. The female wanted to look back up at the male as if to search for something, but he would give nothing to her. But the warrior was not bitter for it. She knew what was going to happen from the morning after they had lain together. It was no surprise. There was just something that was lodged in her soul, something that she had never quite felt before. Regret. And it was not for that night. Perhaps it was for all the nights after, and all the nights that would come. All the nights she would spend alone. But she was a naturally accepting creature—she could grow accustom to solitude once more.

Cwmfen looked up, a little too sharply than she would have liked. She wondered if he meant—truly meant it. But then, she knew the male well enough to know that he did not waste his breath with trifle things. He would not tell her what he wanted to hear. He would tell her what was true. And yet, she was still uncertain. But the warrior was a rational creature, and she could not dismiss that single remark. The black fae tried to peer into those blue eyes once more, to search for an answer once more. But once more they were impassive to her, and she was forced to drop her efforts and return her gaze to the earth. "Do not be sorry," the melody sang at length. Then with a sigh, she said, "You have already tasted the best of me—I have given it to you. I’m afraid there’s nothing more." The she wolf believed herself to be a simple creature, and she was. There were not many things that the female required, and what she did require were not difficult to meet. What intrigued her was a different matter. Haku had intrigued her, and still did. But she knew the binds of mateship. She would probably never feel him again.

Abruptly, with fluidity transcending most earthly creatures, the female rose. She turned. She turned her body about to face him. Their noses nearly touched, and she lingered there, almost hesitantly, as those white orbs stared him down. There was no plead in her eyes, but there was no mirth either. They seemed devoid of everything that should be there. Only a faint, tentative longing flickered in those opaque depths as her gaze brushed against the Lilium’s blue eyes. Then she moved forward, closing the distance between them as if she were afraid that any more delay would have been fatal. She pushed her maw into the side of his mane and then through so that her neck was on his shoulder, so that her chest was against his. Cwmfen had never touched him in his lupus form, and she felt, perhaps irrationally, that this would be the last moment of opportunity. She wanted to know what it could have been like for their fur to mingle once more. She closed her eyes and felt it, and loved it. Loved him. Having held her breath, she let it out slowly, breathing into his chocolate mane. She breathed in his scent deeply and was comforted. She was comforted in his darkness. A soft whine escaped her, and slowly, reluctantly, she withdrew.


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