Step One: Tame the Shrew
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She watched Svara through the window above the sink, her hackles still raised, barely suppressing a deep growl. Tobias shifted uneasily on his perch, sensing her anger. She tried her best to calm herself for his sake, going from flat out mad to simply seething. She heard, more than saw, Svara's entry into her cabin, and debated the merits of kicking her back out. Her pupil walked toward her, though, after grabbing a few supplies.

With a sigh, Hanna stared down at her hands. The bleeding was nearly stopped now, but she would have problems bandaging the wound. It was on her right hand, and the woman was right-hand dominant. With a sigh, she forced her hackles to lie down flat. The yarrow and the alcohol would really be useless used together, since they both did approximately the same thing, but the woman decided that in its own way, this was a good lesson for Svara. Even if she did want to slap her words back into her face. "It's not that I can't take the truth, Svara. It's that this isn't the first time I've liked someone only to find out they've been taken. It really sucks, not that I expect you to understand."


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