Swallow and let it slide
The boundary of the river was forbidding in her mind but solid as it appeared now, seemed she could easily just walk over to the other side and meet the pup face to face. Legacy knew she shouldn't try it, though it was a pity. If not for the damp paw, she would have felt braver. She had no idea that he'd already come across one stretch of ice. Her tail waved softly, a cheerful motion but there was regret in those green eyes as she answered him. "Hello over there!"

There was something exciting about talking to a wolf from the other side of the Yawrah. Life for him must be similar to hers in some ways, but different as well. In the confusion of relations and acquaintances in her head Legacy knew of few people who made their home to the west of hers. Maybe he didn't live there at all, maybe he was a wanderer. She knew little of those, too.

"Wish we could walk on it, don't you?" she added, still thinking of it as pretty much an impossibility, too dangerous - even without much experience to back it up - unless he had the knowledge of where it was safest, and then maybe he'd be able to tell her.


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