when all is said and done
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Corona had gotten to the point where she knew most who entered the mansion by their footsteps. Some were light, others heavy, and there were on occasion one or two that stomped in. But this was only usually when she decided to pay attention to them. So it wasn't necessarily his gait across the old floors that had gotten her attention, but rather the smell of cigarette smoke. She had hesitated for a few moments, mulling over what she had to tell him and just how to do it. If Jasper was going to stay there, then he would have to know. There was simply no getting around that. But how would he react? Such things ricocheted back and forth in through her thoughts as she narrowed down the room that he was in. Corona couldn't totally read just what was going on from his backside, though it was apparent he was either lost in some sort of thought or spacing out. “Hey,” she called from the doorway lightly, waiting for him to react before wandering in further. Better than wandering in at a bad time, right?

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