why me?
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... blebot.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Well, lots of free time and nothing good to do lol. Sorry this end, but I thought the fight to be short. Not too much, besides she is not in good conditions.

Catherine was completely lost in the wild of that pain. She had never broken any bone, and, as she used to say, the first one is always the hardest one. Not only that, her pride didn't let go the idea of falling the tree for a thunder. So many times she slept on top of trees in the worse kind of storm, and nothing happened to her... This thought only made it even harder. She noticed for a second that the black wolf's posture had changed in a more dominant way. Maybe for her, but Catherine was way too mad to even consider that. It jumped back to her, and her instincts was saying that her oponent was doomed. Silly otimism. The other moved away from her in the last second, and her eyes popped out in shock. Following with her disturbed eyes, she saw the other's jaw close on her eye. She whimpered loudly and longly, a sharp, piercing sound. It hurted her own ears. The blood of that blinded the injuried eye and she closed the other too. Then, for the longest second, the time froze. She had a déjà vu. A while ago, she had been blinded by her father's blood, which flooded her mouth as she suffocated him with her jaws. It was it... when it stopped flashing on her mind, the madness broke off, letting her mind completely empty, and the déjà vu let space to the epiphany. She noticed what she had become. In that moment, she realied that she was acting just like her father. A brute, mindless and wild creature, that attacked the first thing on her front. She noticed being herself again as her muzzle landed akwardly on the wet, muddy ground. She slidded in the floor, her injuries aching. She tryed to get up with her three legs trembling, but she falled down. She looked at her opponent with just one eye. The harmed one was closed, the blood flowing down her cheek. Her expression was blank, completely clear. She just kept looking at it a while, and then she sighed. She was feeling the pain in her arm, in her ribs and in her eye, but it wasn't actually bothering her. It wasn't even close to make her mad again. Lying there, she closed the unharmed eye.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." she whispered in a rough, low voice. She doubted that the other heard her apologize, but she kept still, with closed eyes, waiting the black female's next move.


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