Leave Now and Never Come Back

Haku was not being a good boy today. Oh, no. The worst part (and he knew it so fucking well) was that he actually had no reason to treat her like this, no matter how much Cercelee had beaten him up, no matter what. Thankfully he was too full of himself to fully grasp the horrible mistake he was committing right here and now. Throwing dangerous and dark spores at his own flesh and blood would never do any good. Colibri Haki was probably here to stay, and he would just have to accept that. The best thing would be to try to recover as much as they could from whatever they had shared together as a normal father and daughter as possible, but it was way too late, and his acting now only increased the intensity of the flames that was ruining the bridge that had separated them many months ago. He watched his daughter's emotional pain when the hidden meaning of his words fully kicked in. They were both thinking the same, and he knew that he was throwing her into the nightmare all over again. The sad part was that all in all, Haku had no proper reason to be enraged about his firstborn daughter's return. He had twisted it into something uglier than it in reality was, because it threatened his position here in the lands even further. The Lilium had no reason to punish her, because what goes up must come down, and Haku was merely drowning in his own garbage.

The man hated his twisted personality. Sometimes he did not think things through. He was a man of actions, living in the presence. He always had been, and that was what made these scenes so horrible. The monster in him recognized the little doll that he had raped using Haku's body. There were no excuses, because Haku did not experience blackouts when the demon took control of his body. He was aware of his split personalities, because the core of him was almost always present when the different Hakus (and the demon itself) presented themselves. He was just as guilty as the monster for ruining his (at that time) only daughter. Of course he would not allow his mistakes to be repeated. The two of them had lived alone after Cercelee had left their lives, but now he was surrounded by dozens of other canines. Now he had a home, a mate, and other wolves that he might even dare to call friends. He could not rage and burn villages as he pleased. Not anymore. The beast was not tamed, but it would do what was necessary to stay alive. He did not know for how long, but he knew that he could not throw it all away. He had swore himself to Cercelee and this pack, and Haku never lied, not directly. Dahlia de Mai was safe from his wrath, because he was incapable of hurting it.

He finally sighed as his daughter's pleading voice rose in the chilly air. He did not know how to handle this girl any longer. Should he scare her away and make sure they would never cross paths again except for official pack meetings, or should he give himself over and try to finally act like a regretting father? What Mew had told Coli had been true. Haku regretted what he had done. Well, the part of him that mattered did. The spawn from the pits of hell did not count in this matter. He could not admit it to the milk chocolate female, and it was for the best, because she would not believe him even if he did give in and reveal to her that he had hurt her in the worst horrible way and that he would do anything to have it undone. He was not that kind of man. All in all, what he had done had made him into what he was today. Still a monster, not less dangerous, but he had more control, and he was slowly learning to use the devilish energy to do less damage. Instead of doing what he should do, the male gave a half crazed bark of a laugh. With me as their father, Coli? Look how you turned out. He hesitated a moment before he added, I'm sure I can do better this time, fuck their heads up a bit more, yeah? Maybe this was a good thing. It would give his daughter something to strive for, and he would know that his two small boys would have a good caretaker, unless she had a spotless plan that consisted of killing them before Haku could have a chance to fuck them up. He doubted that though. He knew his daughter (or used to) and knew that even though she had some traits from him, she also had a pure heart that was meant for something more than being her daddy's slut.

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