can’t find the way cause the way is gone
ooc: thanks! no problem... especially after the joinings... I understand Smile


A plain enough answer, but not a good answer. Truth be told, she wasn't sure how to phrase her answer. Did he want her to come right out and say: Yes I'm looking for a home. Can I stay with you? Elain knew it couldn't be that simple. Perhaps it was a trick? No, despite his exterior, he gave off the feel of someone not prone to tricking strangers.

"I'm in search of a new place to call home. My own pack disowned me because of this." Her nerves still rather high combined with the fact she was still relatively knew to the whole luperci thing allowed her an easy access to the energy she felt just below her lupine start. Her body began changing, elongating and growing until she had transformed into her full Optime form.

All together, she wasn't even that impressive in this form. Her mane lightened beyond tawny into a sandy blonde and grew thicker. She normally wore it plaited or pulled away from her face, but it wasn't fixed at the moment. She carried herself more leaned on her toes, not liking walking completely erect... it was too odd. She was too far from the ground like that. Wolves weren't meant to be like this. Elain felt a fresh wave of shame and embarrassment wash over her and she strove to keep it reigned in. Now was not the time for apologies. Now was the time she needed a home. Some where she belonged.

"My family and my pack are deeply superstitious, so when I was... changed," raped she thought, but dared not vocalize it. There was no sense in a sob story upon first impressions. "...they disowned me and cast me aside."

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