This is home sweet home.
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Wrap this up now? Ade and Alexey are going to get in a fight about Alexey being a luperci and maybe Ade can seek out Ril’o again in a new thread and apologize and confide in him she’s one too?

Ril’o seemed genuinely hurt, which was not the react Adelaida was accustomed to. Normally they grew angry at her prejudice, flinging insults right back, but Ril’o seemed only confused, ready to retreat. "I’m..." Adelaida wasn’t sure if she was going to apologize or explain her hatred, but she was interrupted with the squeaking and squealing of Pickles atop her back. Although she could not interpret his rodent noises as well as her sibling could, she knew that the chinchilla did not want her to continue down the path she was heading.

Cerulean eyes looked to Ril’o apologetically, she had, previously been enjoying their conversation, his warm nature. Yet she had gone and spoiled the mood. And, as Pickles knew well enough, if she continued to stay and speak she would only drag herself down further in his eye. The confusion and hurt in the male’s tone and body posture made it hard for her to fear him, to hate him. Yet he had admitted he was one of them. Conflicted she took a few steps back, managing only to whisper feebly before fleeing with the poor chinchilla clinging pathetically to her back. "I’m sorry."


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