when all is said and done
“Oh God,” seemed like a fitting thing to say. She wasn't so sure of who she said it for, though. For them, for Rachias, for Arkham—who she didn't even take time to realise was alive—for Jasper, for whoever really cared; did it really matter? Her shoulders slumped then, the breath leaving her in such a shaky way that for a moment Corona wasn't so sure that it had come from her or not. Despite her wavering gaze, she managed to study the sigil for an absent moment, finding it to be the only thing that held a little bit of gravity in a room that was quickly losing any description it should have had.

“I should have known,” she breathed, “I should have known he'd do this.” It struck her funny then, almost funny enough to laugh at the whole matter. And she thought that maybe she would before it was all over with because all of it was humorous. A firestarter gone out with the fire. A nilhist that had finally found his own end when he had never supplied his own. She shook her head again and this time with a huff, let her gaze drop towards the floor. But if there was one thing right about that, it was probably better than Arkham and Rachias went away. Maybe if they went away, things would turn out different for them in light of all that had already gone wrong.

“What now?”

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