Things are shaping up to be pretty odd
Sorry 'bout that D:

He looked up at the male that just appeared out of nowhere. He'd probably been watching for a while. "Well, hey there. What's up? Seems kinda gloomy recently, with all this dark, rainy weather." He watched the male, with his ochre eyes, exposed regardless of the mask he was wearing to keep them protected. only one eye was fully exposed though, cracked from age. He had a friend make this mask out of tough porcelain, with a leather belt fastener, which was uncomfortable more than often. He had to take off the mask from time to time, but it didn't bother him too much.

Shaking his head to rid of the excess water, the masked wolf spoke casually. "Name's Husk. Husk Erumm. And I'm just resting for now. I've been traveling for quite some time. I need it." He looked up at the other male, whose other eye was scarred and closed shut. He didn't see that too often anymore. Most were cowards nowadays. He added again: Don't think you've scared me either, threatening to throw me out. I'm too used to that. Been thrown out of every territory I remember. Sad. Nobody's forgiving anymore. Unless..." He gave a snarky eye at Jefferson. He smiled, all of his bottom teeth showing. "You're willing to make room for more? I'm not too much trouble particularly. And I'm big and scary. Makes for a nice guard, eh?"

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