and now my bitter hands shake beneath the clouds
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Want to wrap this up in one or two posts and then have an updated thread? Smile

It was a day for surprises, or perhaps it was a day for Geneva's heart to give out. It had gone from thundering in her chest to beating so quietly. When she couldn't hear its pounding in her head anymore, she had felt strangely disconcerted. Instead, her body was steadying itself as her mind cleared and took hold of her situations and actions again. She felt her muscles twitching, the need to shake and tremble hard to quell as the rush of adrenaline left her body empty. She kept herself under control, glad that the stress of the situation was gone, but unsure of how to continue further.

Geneva took comfort in logic and the things she could think through. She could sit and ponder just one bit of information for hours, until the mystery unravelled before her. She didn't know why she felt drawn to Jefferson. She didn't know why she hadn't run when he had so clearly demanded that action over and over. She didn't know what had made her stay. And now not only was this man a mystery, but her actions were a mystery to her too.

When he took her map out of her hands to study it, she took the opportunity to study him. Covertly, of course. Her lime green eyes traced over his body, but lingered on his face. Hard lines that had softened when his expression became less harsh. He didn't seem frightening anymore. Instead he seemed tired. She felt as though he represented an answer she could halfway comprehend, but that she couldn't even begin to ponder the question.

He looked up at her for a moment and she let her gaze slip away. She kept her eyes fixed on his hands, where he held her map. But she could see in the look that he gave her questions that spun in the back of his mind. Like he didn't understand why she was here at all. Hell if she knew.

She accepted her map back silently, gathering it to her chest. The warmth of his hands lingered on the thin page, slight creases where his fingers had touched. She couldn't help but smile when he spoke again, pleasure at knowing the name of the lands on which they stood. When he seemed to make a joke, she cocked her head to the side curiously, felt the small smile linger on her mouth at his admission.

"Curiosity killed the cat," Geneva mused. "I guess it is a good thing I don't have any feline heritage." A peace-offering. A small, delayed response to the bit of humor he'd used. She looked at him quietly for a moment. "I'm glad I met you." The truth came out without her really knowing why she'd uttered it. She didn't know how he'd take it, and braced herself for his reaction.

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