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pushitinSoran had thrown herself into the song, her fingers gently pressing against each of the holes of the instrument and moving onto another rapidly as she played. She closed her jade eyes as she played, ignoring everything but the music flowing from her flute, ignoring all of the problems she had had over the time, focusing on the happier parts of her life, her almost-daughter Naniko, and her grandchildren, knowing her eldest boy was still alive, she used these happy thoughts to fuel the hopeful music, quashing the much sadder tune that she could have played. Finally she flicked her eyes open again, staring deep into the fire as she played, watching the way the flames danced around one another playfully, almost as if they were enjoying listening to her song as much as she was playing it. The obsidian grandmother had not played her flute for a long time, so she was pleased to find that she had not lost the ability.

pushitinSoon enough the melody drew to a close, the ebony lady could find no more to play, and her fingers ached, the lack of practice making it difficult to keep playing for a long time. She bent to put her beloved instrument back into her heavy canvas bag, and as she did so someone spoke. Soran jumped slightly, her ears swivelling to find the source of the sound, her eyes following quickly. She soon saw him standing there, a large male wolf, for a moment she wondered if she should be questioning him being on the lands, after all it was her job as Sergeant to make sure that all unrecognised wolves were welcomed, or aked polietly to go on their way if they seemed to be making trouble. But the male wolf spoke again and that soon put an end to her thoughts, so he was a member of her pack? Wonderful, she was glad to see her almost-daughter's pack thriving with newcomers, and this male seemed friendly enough, it was alway nice to meet new wolves.
pushitinThe lady straightened up again, the flute hanging in her hand, forgotten for the moment. A smile touched her dark lips.
"Why thank you, I'm glad that you enjoyed my song.” The lady spoke as she moved around the fire, padding closer towards the unshifted male, stopping a little way off from him.
"Moose is it? Well it's nice to meet you Moose, I'm Soran. How are you finding Crimson Dreams?" Soran asked, smiling brightly, curious to know how he was feeling about the pack, she hoped he liked it, the ebony fae hoped, for her almost-daughter's sake that her leadership was keeping the pack happy.

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