drawing waves on the pavement

Savina was a little taken aback by Alexey's reaction to the news of her sister. Had Adelaida not told her? Had she berated her and called her a monster and kept the fact that she was no different in the dark? Honestly, she wouldn't be at all surprised if that were the case. What a selfish, spiteful little bitch that Koios wolf was. The onyx girl was usually pretty accepting of everyone and it took a lot for her to feel so negatively about someone. So the way she thought of the masked female was certainly a statement. "That's just it. She is a hypocrite. And a damn coward at that. She has no problem throwing her words about but the moment someone reacts poorly to them she cowers like a pup." There was an edge to her voice that was not usually there. Seeing what had been done to her own sister brought up all those feelings of anger and hurt. "As surely as one can trust the word of someone like her. Once I began to leave after being called a monster, in a pathetic attempt to make things better she stammered out that she was one of 'us' too."

She had no idea what it was like to lose someone you had that sort of relationship with. Kansas was her first, and only, love. No one had ever taken any interest in her before. It hadn't helped that she had been far too shy to even try to initiate anything either. The thought of the careless male that sired her had always been lurking in the back of her mind, holding her back. The fey hadn't wanted to be hurt like her mother had. Amata had been strong and kept the pain from her children for the most part, but Savina knew how it tore at her. "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that Alexey." Her eyes held a deep sincerity, though she didn't know what else to say.


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