Can you forgive me for trying again?
The pale female was restless. Willow was restless. The rain beat an endless tattoo against the window panes in the house. She needed to get out, to be free. Dahlia was home, but it got confining quickly at times, especially for little Willow. The mother and child had wandered from one end of the territory to the other. Now they paced the borders, watching. It was Firefly's duty to do borders, but she was cooped up with the pups. The rain came and went, and the air held a chill to it that went deeper than the moonlit femme's bones. The woman was lonely for companionship beyond her housemate and pups. She missed having someone to hold her at night.

Something she'd read recently came to her, and she murmured it. "I'm not a princess, and this ain't no fairytale." She'd had her happily ever after once. It hadn't lasted. Happily ever after never did. Prince charming never really was a prince, nor was he charming. She watched Willow, her mind mulling over happily ever afters that never came true. Dreams that lied and died, and wishes that had fallen apart all replayed in her memories. It was sad, really, how many times she'd been sure this was her happily ever after, only to fond herself kissing yet another toad, looking for prince charming. She supposed she'd have to content herself with being Haku's sometimes mistress and sometimes friend. But even he hadn't come to visit since he'd brought her home with him.

She passed within feet of where Soran stood, not even realizing it. It was Willow who saw the tall femme and charged her, yipping. Deuce abruptly pulled out of her reverie, blinking. The form that Willow danced around was pitch black, the moon behind her. But Deuce would have known that shape anywhere. A smile lit her face, and she approached quickly. "Willow stop! It's Soran." Her voice held only warmth for the female. She was pleased to see her once mate.

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