Step One: Tame the Shrew
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Despite knowing that the girl would pull away, it made Hanna ache inside. She wished she could find some way to bond with the girl who seemed unbondable, some way to be her friend instead of just the harpy spawn of hades that was teaching her to heal. It was a real shame that Svara had turned out the way she was, so bitter at such a young age. From what Hanna understood, it made sense, but she was no psychologist. There had to be some way to crack the shell, to make Svara realize that what Hanna was feeling wasn't pity for her, it was sorrow.

It was sorrow for the way parents' selfish stupidity - or stupid selfishness, when it applied - spoiled their childrens' chance at true happiness. It had been similar in her situation, though not to the same degree as Svara's and definitely not to the degree of her missing sister, Colibri. It impacted each member of the family differently, but none came out quite the way they should have, had the parents not interfered.

Hanna put a pot of water on the fire to boil for tea. She had some lavender and chamomile left in her pack, she was sure, and the woman knew that the relaxing blend of herbals in her tea soothed her. Maybe it would do the same for Svara, if the girl would only shift back and come inside. As she dug in her pack, she came across a pocket she'd not remembered was there and dug her fingers into it. She withdrew a blast from her past: a little gold and diamond stud earring she'd found in the old lands, in the Concrete Jungle. She'd have to find some way to get it put in her ear, she decided.

She put it back, and then found the packets she'd been looking for and her mortar and pestle. She ground the plants up, then shook them into the water to steep, and went outside. "Svara.. I've made some tea. Come inside and let's talk, I've got a story I want to share with you. In fact..." She grabbed the smaller of the two deer and hoisted it over her shoulder, then turned to go inside. "Come on, I'll cook this deer, and then we can use the other for anatomy lessons."


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