I am your heavy eyelids
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

While the usual reactions he got from strangers were more tame and skeptical, he had frightened some people before. The loud yelp made his ears twitch and he watched as the other man stumbled backwards and hit his head. The question was this guy just always so jumpy or was he trying to hide something. The most dangerous criminals were cool and collected for the most part. So even if this wolf had done something wrong, he was obviously an amateur. Probably a crime committed in the heat of the moment if anything.

The blue-eyed man looked at him, then at the door, then back at him. Then he spoke in a language that Onus had no idea what it was or what he had meant. He only knew English, and since everyone else around here he had met did as well, he could only assume that this luperci couldn't. "Don't understand." That most likely hadn't been understood either, ironically. The male took one hand out of the pocket of his coat and pointed to the door. "What is in there?"


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