I am your heavy eyelids
Why couldn't the male see them? They were right there, right through the doorway, so close, so close. The other canine would not be allowed to enter -- not unless he had a very, very good reason -- but so far, he had not even looked. Had he? Couldn't he smell them? Barthélémy could smell them just fine. All of them, every single one of them, no matter how many there were. Barthélémy inched closer to the doorway, then stuck his head through it and gestured inside with a jerk of his head. "Venez par ici, examiner là," he said, pausing for a moment, then glanced back at the male. The stench was overpowering now, encircling him and tangling its fingers in Barthélémy's fur. For a moment, he felt calm, but was just as soon agitated by the male's lack of understanding.

But maybe that was Barthélémy's fault? Perhaps he couldn't see, but... it... looked like he could? The other male had pointed at the door, said something, but the words meant nothing to Barthélémy. He had already encountered this problem before: no one could understand Barthélémy, either. Barthélémy frowned, realizing how much of a bother this must be to the coyote as well. "Peux-tu voir? Ton yeux.... peux-tu les cadavres? Les corps? Il y a plus charognes...? Corps? Cadavres?" He didn't know if changing the words would work, but maybe there was something this male could understand, or at least, relate to? Barthélémy had to show him what was here, someway, somehow. He would make him understand.


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