I am your heavy eyelids
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... bycdg1.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Hahaha, I thought there was a door, not just an opening XD A little PP, let me know if you want any of it changed!

His attention had been so focused on the male in front of him he hadn't though to sniff around. But as soon as the other gestured to look inside it hit him. The scent of death was emanating from the lighthouse. His nose twitched and for a split second his lips showed his pearly fangs while the other's back was turned. Onus stuck his head through as the foreign wolf muttered some words that sounded similar to "corpse". That was something he could understand. Christ. The inside of the building was a bloodbath. Bodies everywhere, mutilated, blood strewn all over, severed limbs in corners. He had not at all expected to come across such a murder scene here. It seemed his trip to these lands would not be a waste.

Quick as a viper striking he pushed the jumpy wolf against the doorway, invisibly staring deep into his eyes. "Did you do that?" he said as he jerked his head to the inside of the lighthouse. He doubted it. This guy didn't seem stable enough or mad enough for such carnage. "Know who did?" Whatever he asked wouldn't be understood, and whatever answer he got probably wouldn't be either. Unless it was through some further gesticulation.


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