raw deal

He dipped his head, pausing to let his fingers wander the titles until they found a slim enough volume. The coyote hybrid had never grasped the concept of quality over quantity and so considered even the most indepth novel simple if it was thin. Giggle was not philosophical by any means and never thought to contemplate the deeper meanings of the books he read, but just the surface. He plucked out a novel with the faded words 'The Importance of Being Earnest' while Corona spoke. The previous owner had been a strange one, whatever she meant by that (all humans had been strange). Indigo eyes lifted back up to her goldenrod face. 'Are there any rooms unclaimed?' He asked, quietly, not wanting to tread on anyone's toes. She had said most didn't use it, but if someone wanted to have five rooms, he wasn't going to tussle over having one of them. But it would be nice to have a room with a bed and a roof, instead of sleeping outside like he'd done as a child.

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