just another good vibration


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She could not help but pay attention to the expert flick of the lighter, just as she could not help but wonder if this guy had anything interest to pedal to her young mind and body: crazy stories, crazy drugs, crazy sex. Sometimes she wondered if she had a disease of sorts--she always did find the fucked up ones attractive. Little did she know, Ahren's history was riddled with such nightmares and demons that even she might be hesitant to pursue. That was saying something.
Her smile deepened and found its way to her eyes for a fleeting moment, as she nodded and decided to set off. Flirtation was not exactly her strong suite, and she had no reason to think it would amount in anything. That left them to work on business. Earlier, she had passed a bunch of tents that did not seem to be the typical ride--those great machines were a marvel on their own, but they just weren't what she was looking for. "Sounds good, I think I saw some tents over this way before."

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