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It had never been her intention to invoke such an emotion from the male. For her entire short life there had been clear-cut answers to all her questions. Why this? And why that? There had been easy questions she guessed. This one was difficult; such a conclusion simple to come to just by looking into his eyes. Though the words he spoke were beyond her at first, as the story unfolded she began to understand. The sorrowful tale made her think of her own brothers, and how she was certain they would always remain together. Although the idea that happiness didn’t last forever was beginning to become a possibility for the little fey.

His sacrifice was inspiring, though it was hard to understand the jealously he spoke of. The only one she had ever been jealous of was her sister, her coat of pure white matching their mothers and her pure ocean blue eyes. All things were vain, but easy to induce envy. So, you left even though you loved him? Her question was more to imprint the idea in her mind. Love didn’t always mean staying, there were times when it meant more to leave then stay.

Do you think he misses you? Mati tried to picture his adopted brother. Maybe with a coat of black like her brother Salem’s, or maybe even white like Lannen’s own, twins in every way but blood. I’m sure he does. She thought aloud as eyes watched him even more closely, even though she had only known him a few moments she was sure she would miss him if he left. When he left. How could his brother not?


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