whatever they say your soul's unbreakable
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Her breathing was slightly labored from her recently finished self-training, and it rose in pale clouds. As the light fell dying from the world, the female beheld the spectacle with curious white eyes. There was nothing so quite like nature and its phenomena that could take her breath away, she always thought. It did so now, just as it did every morning and every night. Every snowfall and rainfall. The song of the world was louder then, and she could here it. She listened now, closing her eyes, and she heard the song soften as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. With only slight disappointment, the female opened her eyes to behold the twilight. But all good things must end. Then, like a shadow, with the power of an ancient warrior, the blue-marked female had leapt from the tree. She landed with the grace that seemed to transcend her form, yet she was not silent; a whisper of a passing she did leave, but silence was not her end. As the rear paws touched the earth, she propelled her body, crossing the boarder of her pack and falling into the lands of Ethereal Eclipse.

She could not recall the moment in which she had shifted, but she had. And she held the Raven Spear in her hand as the one-eyed pied Raven himself trailed far above. His form disappeared as she slipped into the forest, but she knew that he would be there when she resurfaced. The woods here were older, denser, and the cool, damp air threatened to penetrate through her thick black coat, especially in the autumn night. The heavens above were obscured, but night vision had taken over, and she took on a brusque trot. Here, there was no hint of passing save for a shadowed movement and a relinquished scent. The tenebrous atmosphere was strange to her, yet its newness was pleasant, and her maw met the plants here and there in greeting. Here, the darkness was a song she heard. So indulged was she in her adventure that she nearly fell over the precipice that opened with gaping jaws. With a curt bark, she leapt at the last moment over the trench to safety. The air of the trench was disturbing to her, for it moved languidly and with a gelid quality that crept into the bones. Shaking the feeling off, the lone female moved on.

But then something sounded in the dark. A thud. It was distant and barely discernable from the whisper of the trees, but the acute ears of the warrior had caught it just as it faded in the air. She paused, listening for it again, but there was nothing. Still, the curious nature of the woad-marked warrior could not dismiss such a thing, and she continued on her way. Now, with silence on her feet, the ebony woman trotted in the dark, her spear’s blade, dull in the shadow, piercing the darkness with a savage hunger. The woad banded ears were pushed forward, trying to catch that strange sound once more, but she did not hear it again. And yet...she caught a scent on the cold, damp air of the woods. It was coyote, and a low growl tickled her throat. But as the scent grew stronger, the warrior realized that it did not hold the stench of Inferni. The black fae was curious now, and she continued to search for this creature.

And it was not long before she found him. Through the trees, in the distance, she saw a coyote. He was a strange creature, wearing a hat a coat. But the most curious part was the cloth that bound his eyes. But, she did not make the mistake of believing him to be blind, for she did not fail to notice that he made his way about with ease. He seemed to be participating in some sort of training, much like the one which she had only just completed herself. This final observation peaked her interest, and the female stepped into clear view, placing the spear upon the ground with a strange and perhaps misplaced finality. "Who are you?" the clear alto rang clearly in the silence. The white orbs beheld the place where the other’s eyes should be, and she showed to him the challenge that she so keenly felt. And yet, strangely, there was no open hostility. She was merely curious. She merely wished to test him.


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