whatever they say your soul's unbreakable
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From her tone it was clear that her next question was not one meant to be answered. Which was best in his opinion. He was not pleased when people questioned his life's work. Just because most were too afraid or too weak to pursue the type of life that he lead didn't make his choices any less valid or sane. In fact, he thought that they made him more sane than anything. He didn't search for the answers to questions about the meaning of life. About what his supposed "purpose" on the earth was. Because he already knew. He had known for years.

Onus watched her with interest as she changed her posture and position. City-Knight? Well, that was a phrase he had never been called before. He had to admit he kind of liked it. Most of the times the names he was called were more along the lines of "creep", "crazy", or "psychopath". This was much more true to what he was, he felt. "I've served her to the best of my ability. All my life." Maybe that question hadn't required an answer either, but he had wanted to give it. The coy took pride in his life and his cause. He did his best to serve the cause of justice and would continue to do so until he drew his last breath.

After her challenge he remained still. Honestly he wasn't sure what to do. The vigilante had never before been in a fight that hadn't had a purpose. He fought criminals, killing them if it were necessary. There was no desire to hurt the woman before him. To his knowledge she had done nothing wrong. He had heard of sparring, but had never taken a part in it. Perhaps this is what she wanted. Just a test of skills from one fighter to another. For a split-second a small grin was on his lips, but it was gone as quick as it had appeared. "Very well." Then with the speed of a striking cobra he took off to the side of the clearing, intent to come at her from the side.


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