in Black an White, he wore a tuxedo


hiya! ^^ I'm so excited to get started

Blinking his ears twitched when the feminine voice rang in his ears, looking his red eyes found the dark colored female whom smiled at him. 'smart pick Leroy, a well working seems' Putting his own thoughts aside his patterned body rose to a sit as he turned to face the resident, before he could speak Leroy could hear another approaching as he turned his head to see. 'man his big..' The thought crossed his mind what would happen if they didn't find him being there too kind, but that thought subsided when the black male spoke kind as he took Leroy's side.

"well hello to you both, I'm Leroy" Is voice was smooth and held respect as he dipped his head in a nod to both of the dark colored wolves. Chuckling a bit,Leroy notice his coat look odd next to theirs as well his curly tail but oh well. Pink eyes moved from the male to female before he spoke again, "oh an I meant the past ma'am, is what I or we must go forward from. Crimson Dreams? I've been traveling for far to long..I think it's time to find a place to devote or at least make a home of. Pausing his curly tail pulled around his leg as he might have sounded foolish," I miss a home I guess, being alone gets well lonely.". Leroy kept a smile and his smooth warm tones as he spoke to the two members.


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