cramming the world into a (phrase)

indent Some men might argue that change was constant, while others viciously opposed this idea and claimed no one ever changed. Of this grouping, Ahren stood with the former. It had been proven to him each day he looked at himself, looked at who he had been, and looked at who he had become. The only person he had found exempt to this law was Misery, the mad hag who had gone halfway around the world and back and still wore Damian’s cross, still carried her anger, and still had a cynical, vicious take on the world.
indentThe children were an unknown factor in their friendship. Ahren had not gone to the coast yet, and would not make his way there until pushed. Kaena was a distant figure from the past, a woman he had fallen in love with, fallen out of love with, and left. She was not his first lover, and not his last. That would be Matinee, no matter where she roamed. One day he would find her. Of all the things he believe (or did not believe) that was the constant. “I like Hamlet best myself. You drawing parallels with that one?” He had done the same with his.


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