The importance of memories
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Mew Sadira
Slight ramble, sorry. Lecture-time, when I should be doing other things than this, always gives me more inspiration for 'Souls than I should have Tongue
Word count: 424

The male who looked so much like herself ignored the negative comment she threw at her children's grave. It was small - insignificant in the big picture. Surely her grief would have been greater had she ever gotten to know them? She didn't know, all she knew was that they were dead - and it was her fault. He did not - however - ignore her awkwardness, and quickly offered something she interpreted as mild consolidation, which caused the femme to blush. What was this awkwardness, all these emotions - was she truly turning into a monster of female hormones, just over Lubomir? Where was the cold strength, the focused mind of Mew Sadira? At present, she didn't know. What was left was a little bundle of a woman, hurt and lonely (at least lonely in regards of her children) - and in love with a male whose mental health was... questionable. She did not feel miserable; she felt greater than she ever had, with him at her side, but her mate stirred something in her that she could not control, and it confused her. It confused her enough to find herself in situations like this - exposed and awkward in the presence of a stranger. She cursed herself, mentally, and attempted to gather her posture. The blush had already been released and could not be taken back, so instead she bent down and carefully placed the flowers by the stone on the little grave, and got up again to look at him. Hopefully, the blush would go unnoticed in all her other action. The smile she wore was slightly less sheepish as she faced him the second time, and she nodded her head as she spoke. I'm Mew Sadira. Lingering on silence for a moment, she continued, replying to his first sentence last and his last sentence first. She was backwards - her standing at her own children's graves was backwards - so why should she not reply to him backwards? Thank you. I don't really know why I did it, though. As the last words escaped her mouth she turned her head to the side and downwards again, looking at four little heaps of ground - four heaps who would soon be covered with green vegetation once again. It made her heavy at heart and she'd perhaps rather not talk to the stranger - or Lannen, as his name was - about it. Though, as she was here and caught in the midst of it, it might be inevitable. She'd find out.


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