the tower;

It was that laughter that rang through the darkness that caused him to stop in his tracks. Eerie and unwelcoming, he knew it all to well. Jasper had heard that she was there, wandering about or hiding like some hermit, but he'd seen or scented so little of her that he started to not believe it. But then in came, that laugh that chilled him to the very bone, and he knew that she was indeed there. So why did Jasper just stand there instead of moving on to the tree house like he'd been in the middle of doing before? Well, quite simply, because she was the only one that would have the answers. Jasper dare not ask his father about Gin or what had become of him, but Misery, she was another story. Maybe somewhere in her madness she would miss why Jasper was really asking.

"Aunt Misery?" He called out into the darkness, his tone low but his voice filled with purpose. He wanted her to find him, well, as much as he could ever want her to find him. If he could keep her from hitting him, then it would be a good meeting. "It's Jasper." He shouted, just to clarify, because it's likely she wouldn't know his voice. Hell, he'd be surprised if she even remembered him. Then again, he did have a knack for torturing his cousin. Afraid to move further in the darkness, most especially since he couldn't see her, Jasper kept himself still, rather hoping that she would find him.


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