when we were younger and better
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A knapsack lay close by, not forgotten but ignored, for the moment. In it was hidden away Akello's very life and soul, and he was very protective of it. For now it looked a little like he felt; lost and confused on the rough sand that made up a place very unfamiliar, but not uncomfortable. It seemed forlorn and neglected but was not, much like him in that moment.

When the happy celebration had passed and attention was turned to him, his smile increased somewhat, a more pleasant and eager air lifting into his eyes. Partly it was to please her; mostly it was to placate Gabriel. Of course, his deed didn't go unrewarded and he inclined his head a due amount, having anticipated a similar answer (though it had never been his intention in returning her home). For the time being he let his eyes roam over the thicker build of the de le Poer, judging and re-adjusting his opinion until it fit somewhere in a respect slot; this guy commanded it, and Akello was more than happy to supply a demand.

His name was already stated, so there was really nothing else to say for that. However, he had never been born particularly selfish. Is there anything you would have me do while I'm here in return? he asked gruffly, clearing his throat soon after speaking and watching the leader carefully for any sign of modesty or dismissal from the suggestion. If Akello were to be here he would be useful. He would be put to work or he would make work for himself.

And he would much prefer to know the leader's wishes before choosing either way. Lightly his vision grazed Faolin once more, and he smiled for her, whispering a "thank you" to her for speaking for him. He had never been too good working with pressure, and there was a lot of it when it came to meeting a leader of a prestigious, though infamous clan.


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